CellBIM – Bringing 2D & 3D
to MS Excel®

Embed all your 2D drawings and 3D models inside your spreadsheets. CellBIM for Excel runs inside Microsoft Excel® and allows you to make full use of your BIM 3D Models and 2D drawings while working within your spreadsheets. The easiest and most effective solution for Excel users that use drawings or 3D models for their everyday tasks.

  • CellBIM Viewer

    Free tool that can open CellBIM and IFC files inside Excel® Spreadsheets. Allows view of model properties and quantities.

    Discover CellBIM Viewer
  • CellBIM Lite

    Work with 2D Design Files like PDF, DWG, DGN and Raster Images directly in your Microsoft Excel® Spreadsheets.

    Discover CellBIM Lite
  • CellBIM Standard

    Work with PDF, DWG, DGN, RVT, IFC, SKP, DWFx, I.DGN and 3D Asset files directly in your Microsoft Excel® Spreadsheets.

    Discover CellBIM Standard
  • CellBIM 365

    Subscribe and share your work in real time on the web and Tablets with Microsoft 365 Cloud.

    Discover CellBIM 365

Link your Drawings and BIM files with Microsoft Excel® Spreadsheets

Easy to use and adopt. Increase your productivity straight from day one. Make your spreadsheets visual and effective!

Consolidate Multiple Models

Consolidate, align and scale multiple 3D BIM models and 2D drawings in one unified 3d space

Everything inside Microsoft Excel®

Embed all your 2D drawings and 3D models inside your spreadsheets. Work interactively with them and avoid storing and sharing multiple files.

The easiest and more effective solution for Excel users that use drawings or 3D models for their everyday tasks.