CellBIM Lite

CellBIM Lite brings your 2D files, either CAD or PDFs directly into your Microsoft Excel® Spreadsheets.
  • Work with 2D Design Files like PDF, DWG, DGN and Raster Images directly in your Microsoft Excel® Spreadsheets.
  • Overlay drawings in a 3D space and Perform 2D Quantity Takeoffs easily.
  • No need to send drawings and spreadsheets separately and explaining the relations or quantities. Everything is done inside your current spreadsheet!
BimCT for Excel

Easy, yet very Powerful 2D takeoffs

CellBIM Lite has all the commands you need to perform quickly, easily and accurately your 2D takeoffs. You can duplicate, rotate, move takeoffs with press of a button, and match their colours with the colours of your spreadsheet

  • Product Feature

    Scale and Align Multiple Drawings

    Excel 2D let’s you load multiple 2D drawing (PDFs, DWG, DGN, images) and scale and align them quickly and easily in the 3D space, so you can see visually where the quantities or the drawing elements are coming from

  • Insert Drawing Snapshots in your Spreadsheets

    Insert current view snapshots inside your spreadsheet to print your takefoss or to create catalogues.

Compare Our Products

Files & Storage

CellBIM Viewer

Free CellBIM (*.XLSx) & IFC Reader.

CellBIM Lite

Extension to the .XLSx format.

CellBIM Standard

Extension to the .XLSx format.

CellBIM 365

Work with BimCT & Microsoft 365.

Load IFC files

Load BIM files (IFC, DWG, Revit, Navisworks, Sketchup, Bentley, 3D Assets etc)

Load 2D drawing files (PDF, DWG, DGN, Raster Images)

Connect to AutoDESK BIM 360 Cloud and download compatible file formats

Upload Models and Connections to the Cloud for use with Microsoft 365 apps and the Web-AddIn

Renderer Functions

High Performance OpenGL 4.5 Renderer

(Desktop Add-In Only)

Fallback to DirectX 11 or WebGL2 renderer

Full Shaders Support (Transparent, Realistic, Hidden Lines, Shadows etc)

Pick Elements by Rubberband

Pick Measurements by Rubberband

Pick BIM Elements

Pick BIM Faces and Lines

Measure Areas, Volumes, Lengths and Points

Object SNAP to commonly needed points


Use Drag and Drop to Link Cells with Design Data

(Desktop Add-In Only)

Link Elements and Properties with Cells

Link Quantity Takeoffs with Cells and Formulas

Connection Creation Formulas

Parametric Query Based Quantity Takeoffs

Colorize Connections (Elements, Faces, Lines, Areas, Lengths, Points)

Auto-Match Cell Styles with Connection Colors

Update Design Model Changes

BIM Data Tables

Use Drag and Drop to Create Excel Tables from Model Metadata

Create Clash Detection Tables

Coming Soon

Populate Models

Calibrate, scale, move and align multiple design files on a single 3D scene

Calculate Quantities of BIM Elements using Geometry

Re-Classify BIM Elements using Machine Learing

Coming Soon Coming Soon

Add new Design 3D Elements

Coming Soon Coming Soon Coming Soon

Edit BIM Elements and Properties

Coming Soon Coming Soon Coming Soon

Export Models to IFC

Coming Soon Coming Soon Coming Soon

Everything inside Microsoft Excel®

Embed all your 2D drawings and 3D models inside your spreadsheets. Work interactively with them and avoid storing and sharing multiple files.

The easiest and more effective solution for Excel users that use drawings or 3D models for their everyday tasks.